Library Amman
The GPIA library in Amman specializes in books and periodicals on archaeology, history, the old testament, geology, and heritage. It offers an excellent collection of German publications in the field of archaeology including rare antiquarian books.

The GPIA library Amman owns a photo archive available for consultation on-site covering the Institute´s research projects in Jordan, in particular at the ancient site of Gadara, Umm Qais. These research sources are unique in Jordan and only available at the GPIA Amman library.

Opening Hours
Our library is open for all visitors from Sunday – Thursday, 8am – 2.00pm.
Publications cannot be taken out on loan.
Our resident scholars can enjoy a 24 hour access to the library.
Library Facilities
Research areas
Computer and working station with open access
24 hour internet access
Photocopying available for charge
Scanning facilities
Electronic journal access to JSTOR
Access to GPIA Amman Digital Library
Browse our Catalogue
The GPIA Amman library is searchable using the link below
Electronic Journal Access to JSTOR is available on-site

GPIA Amman Digital Library is available on-site
For further information please contact the DEI Amman
Tel: +962-6-534 29 24