Catreena Hamarneh

Catreena Hamarneh has been working since 2014 at the German Protestant Institute of Archaeology Amman (GPIA), and conducts the administrative work at the institute. Catreena Hamarneh is responsible for the public networking and correspondence, she also manages the library including the acquisition of publications.

Catreena Hamarneh received her B.A. in Geology from the University of Jordan and her M.A. in Archaeology from the same University. She has a long working experience, for 23 years she held various positions at the Department of Antiquities of Jordan and taught for 2 years at the German Jordanian University.

Catreena Hamarneh is a keen researcher; she has collaborated in several national and international projects. She has participated in several conferences and coordinated training and workshop activities. Catreena Hamarneh published several articles, as well as a monograph, covering aspects of mosaic conservation, ancient quarries, archaeometry and landscape archaeology.

Curriculum Vitae

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