Cultural Preservation (DOJAM)

Das Team des Zitadellenprojektes
The Team
The Storage

In January 2017 a cooperation project started between the German Protestant Institute of Archaeology in the Holy Land (GPIA) and the Department of Antiquities of Jordan (DoA), which is financed by the Gerda Henkel Stiftung (GHS) as part of their promotional programm “Patrimonies”.

Aim of this four-year project is the preservation of archaeological objects, which are stored or exhibited in Jordanian museums. This corresponds to the plan of the DoA (2014-2018), whereby the works are at first concentrated on the Jordan Archaeological Museum (JAM) on the citadel in Amman.

A couple of tasks shall be accomplished:


  • the creation of a data base for the administration of the museum and as a research instrument
  • photgraphic and 3D-documentation of the archaeological objects of JAM
  • registration and description of the archaeological objects of JAM
  • restoration of selected archaeological objects
  • management of the storage spaces and installation of a restoration work shop
  • development of an emergency plan in case of natural disasters or war
  • training of the staff of the DoA

The goals and motivations of the project can be seen in eight short episodes, produced by the Gerda-Henkel Stiftung.

For more information visit the homepage of the project:


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