Volume 2, No. 2

Volume 2, No. 2, December 1997

Occident & Orient Volume 2, No. 2, December 1997 online


The Institute: Where People and Sciences Meet.
Hans-Dieter Bienert, German Protestant Institute of Archaeology (Amman)

Ba’ja – Early Neolithic Settlers in the Petra Mountains.
By: Hans-Dieter Bienert, German Protestant Institute of Archaeology, Amman-office (DEI) and Hans Georg Gebel, Free University of Berlin (Germany)

Churches, Temples, High Places … and a City Wall. The 1997 Season at Umm Qais.
By: Adolf Hoffmann, Technical University of Cottbus (Germany) and Nadine Riedl, German Protestant Institute of Archaeology, Amman-office (DEI)

Excavations and Surveys in Umm Qais / Gadara, Spring 1997.
By: Ute Wagner-Lux, Basel (Switzerland), Karel Vriezen, Utrecht (Netherlands), Nicole Mulder, Leiden (Netherlands), Robert Guinée, Bergen op Zoom (Netherlands)

The Babylon Symposium, Held by the Department of Antiquities and Heritage in Baghdad, 23-25 September 1997.
By: Donny George Youkhanna, Department of Antiquities and Heritage in Baghdad (Iraq), Michael Müller-Karpe, Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum Mainz (Germany)

Highly Successful Symposium on Jordanian Neolithic Settlements Held in Petra – Wadi Musa.
By: Gary O. Rollefson, ‘Ain Ghazal Research Institute (AGRI), Ober-Ramstadt (Germany).

The Plaster Figures of Khirbet es-Samra.
By: Abdalla J. Nabulsi, Hamburg University (Germany)

Some Iron Age sites in the vicinity of Tell Johifiyeh: A general survey.
By: Dr. Roland Lamprichs, University of Freiburg (Germany)

Development of an Analytical Tool to Compare Water Sector Strategies.
By: Alexander Manakos, Darmstadt (Germany)

1997 Excavations at ‘Ain Soda in Azraq, eastern Jordan.
By: G. Rollefson, L. Quintero, P. Wilke, D. Schnurrenberger, R. Low, R. Watson (USA)

Kallirrhoë (‚Uyûn ez-Zâra) Once Again: the 3rd Campaign.
By: Stefan Wimmer, University of Munich (Germany)

Structural Adjustment and its Effects on the Private Sector in Jordan.
By: Anja Wünsch

The Roman Street Project in Petra.
By: Zbigniew T. Fiema, American Center of Oriental Research (Amman)

The Upper Temple of the Sanctuary of Zeus, Gerasa (Jarash)
By: Jean-Pierre Braun, IFAPO (Amman)

Re-Evaluation of Tell es-Sultan (Jericho).
By: Hamdan Taha, Palestinian Department of Antiquities, Ramallah (Palestine)

The Royal Institute for Inter-Faith Studies: Working for Peace and Understanding.
By: Kamal Salibi, Amman (Jordan)

CARCIP: The fine tuning of a repair mortar for the monuments of Petra.
By: Helge H. Fischer, Project Director CARCIP.

German Institute of Archaeology (DAI) Research Activities in the Near East.
By: Ricardo Eichmann, German Institute of Archaeology, Berlin (Germany)

Jarash Cathedral Project 1997
By: Carola Jäggi, University of Basel (Switzerland), Hans-Rudolf Meier, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zürich (Switzerland)

Karstification, Ancient Water Structures and Human Imprints Northwest of Irbid City.
By: Elias Salameh, University of Jordan, Amman (Jordan), Mohammad Ali Okla Al Farajat, University of Jordan, Amman (Jordan).

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