Volume 5, No. 1&2

Volume 5, No. 1&2, December 2000

 Occident & Orient Volume 5, No. 1 & 2, December 2000 online


The German Institute Turns 25.
By: Hans-Dieter Bienert, German Protestant Institute of Archaeology (Amman)

The Early Years of the German Protestant Institute of Archaeology in Amman.
By: Ute Wagner-Lux, Basel (Switzerland)

In Memory of Ernst Walter Krueger (July 16, 1902) – March 6, 1983).
By: Max Wagner, Basel (Switzerland)

Celebrating the Amman Institute – Comments on its 25th Anniversary. 

Archaeology of Jordan: From Irbid to Germany.
By: Zeidan Kafafi, Yarmouk University, Irbid (Jordan)

„Men of Dikes and Canals“ International Symposium held at Petra, Wadi Musa, 15-20 June 1999: Abstracts of Contributions.

‘Ain Ez-Zara Thermal Springs: the Strange Paths of Herod’s Spa Waters
By: Peter Udluft, University of Würzburg (Germany)

Umm Saysaban: Preliminary Report on an Early Bronze Age Settlement at the Perimeter of Ancient Petra (Jordan).
By: Manfred Lindner, Naturhistorische Gesellschaft, Nürnberg (Germany)

Swiss Excavations at Petra 1996-1999: The Nabataean Mansion on Ez-Zantur IV (Petra).
By: Bernhard Kolb, University of Basel (Switzerland)

Brown University 1999 Excavations at the Petra Great Temple
By: Martha Sharp Joukowsky, Brown University, Providence (USA)

An Almost Unknown Mountain at Petra: Jabal el-Barra.
By: Ulrich Hübner, University of Kiel (Germany)

The First Season of the Syrian-Italian-German Excavations at Tall Mishrife/Qatna (Syria) in 1999.
By: Ammar Abdul-Rahman, Direction General des Antiquites et des Musees, Damascus (Syria), Marta Luciani, University of Udine (Italy), Daniele Morandi Bonacossi, University of Udine (Italy), Mirko Novak and Peter Pfälzner, University of Tübingen (Germany)

Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the German Protestant Institute of Archaeology in Amman.
By: Dieter Vieweger and Jens Eichner, Kirchliche Hochschule Wuppertal (German)

Ba’ja Regional Project Report on the First Field Season, 1999
By: Katrin Bastert, Dresden (Germany), Hans-Dieter Bienert, German Protestant Institute of Archaeology in Amman (Jordan), Roland Lamprichs, Dresden (Germany) and Dieter Vieweger, Kirchliche Hochschule Wuppertal (Germany)

“A River Flowed From Eden…” (Gen. 2.10)
By: Hans-Dieter Bienert, German Protestant Institute of Archaeology in Amman (Jordan)

Excavations at Neolithic Ba’ja, 1999-2000.
By: Hans Georg K. Gebel, Free University of Berlin (Germany)

New Book – Review
Koltermann, Ulrike, Die Palästinapolitik des Vatikans von 1947 bis 1997. Jerusalemer Theologisches forum (JThF) II. Münster 2000.

By: Burkhard Jürgens, Osnabrück (Germany)

Farewell to a Great Friend of Jordanian Archaeology – An Obituary for Dr. Mujahed el-Mueheisen.
By: Hans Georg K. Gebel, Free University of Berlin (Germany)

Exhibitions, Conferences and other Archaeological Events in Amman in the Year 2000.
By: Jean-Pierre Braun, IFAPO-Amman (Jordan), Bill Finlayson, CBRL-Amman (Jordan) and Ina Kehrberg, IFAPO-Amman (Jordan)

How Ancient Water Structures are Relevant in Alleviating Present Water Shortage.
By: Elias Salameh, University of Jordan, Amman (Jordan)

Archaeological Survey and Excavations at Wadi al-Yutum and Tall al-Magass Area – Aqaba (ASEYM), Field Season 2000 – The Survey.
By: Lothar Herling, University of Heidelberg (Germany)

The Biblical Archaeological Institute at Tübingen University (Germany) – History and Activities
By: Siegfried Mittmann, Tübingen University (Germany)

The Dana-Faynan Ghuwayr Early Prehistory Project (DFGEPP)
By: Bill Finlayson, CBRL-Amman (Jordan)

Archaeological Excavations at Sal (Northern Jordan): A Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age Site.
By: Zeidan Kafafi, Yarmouk University, Irbid (Jordan) and Dieter Vieweger, Biblical-Archaeological Institute Wuppertal (Germany) in cooperation with Muhammad Jaradad, Patrick Leiverkus and Erich Lippmann

Hydrogeological Investigations in the North-Eastern Dead Sea Area, Jordan: the Thermal Springs Along Wadi Zerqa Ma’in and ‘Ain Ez-Zara.
By: Martin Rother, University of Karlsruhe (Germany)

New Book – Review
The Madaba Map Centenary, 1897-1997: Travelling through the Byzantine-Umayyad Period. Edited by Michele Piccirillo and Eugenio Alliata, Studium Biblicum Franciscanum. Jerusalem, 1999.

By: Rami G. Khouri, Amman (Jordan)

New Book – Review
Adnan Aby-Odeh, Jordanians, Palestinians and the Hashemite Kingdom in the Middle East Peace Process. United States Institute of Peace Press. Washington D.C., 1999.

By: Wolfgang Ule, Goethe Institute, Amman (Jordan)

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