Volume 7, No. 1

Volume 7, No. 1, March 2002

Occident & Orient Volume 7, No. 1, March 2002 online 


The Institute 2001/2002: Strengthening German-Jordanian Cooperation – News and Activities.

Ancient Settlements in the Plain of Akkar/Northern Lebanon. First Results of Archaeological Survey Work in 1997 and 1999.
By: Karin Bartl, Freie Universität Berlin (Germany) in cooperation of Anis Chaaya, Direction Générale des Antiquités du Liban (Lebanon)

Towards a Better Understanding of the Archaeological Remains in Jordan: New Touristic Sign-Posts Inaugurated at Umm Qeis / Gadara and Rujm el-Malfuf.
By: Roland Lamprichs, German Protestant Institute of Archaeology (DEI), Amman (Jordan).

The Return of the Gods – The Tell Halaf-Restoration-Project
By: Nadja Cholidis, Vorderasiatisches Museum SMB PK, Berlin (Germany)

The Earliest Hellenistic Tomb Find in Jerash or Antioch on the Chrysorhoas. The Jerash City Walls Project: Excavations 2001
By: Ina Kehrberg, Center of British Research in the Levant, Amman (Jordan) and John Manley, Sussex Archaeological Society (Great Britain)

Arrival of a New Cultural Attaché at the German Embassy.
By: Andreas Fiedler, German Embassy Amman (Jordan)

New Discovery in Jordan at Beit-Ras Region (Ancient Capitolias)
By: Wajeeh Karasneh, Irbid Antiquities Office, Khaled al-Rousan, Field Supervisor, Jafer Telfah, Field Supervisor

The Engagement of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.
By: Paul Pasch, Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Amman (Jordan)

Outlines of a Promising Archaeological Project: The ash-Shudayfah Plateau North of Petra (Jordan).
By: Manfred Lindner, Naturhistorische Gesellschaft Nürnberg (Germany)

A Newly Discovered Byzantine Laura Near Jordan River
By: Mohammed Waheeb, Department of Antiquities, Amman (Jordan)

The Region of Gadara / Umm Qes Project. Second part of the 2001-season: a test trench on Tell Zera’a.
By: Karel Vriezen, Theological Faculty, University of Utrecht (Netherlands)

A Nabataean Caravanserai at Rujm Taba.
By: Benjamin J. Dolinka, Department of Archaeology, University of Liverpool (Great Britain.

Farewell to a Great Friend of Jordanian Archaeology. An Obituary for Dr. Jum’a Kareem.
By: Zeidan Kafafi, Yarmouk University Irbid (Jordan) and Roland Lamprichs, German Protestant Institute of Archaeology, Amman (Jordan)

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