Volume 8, No. 2

Volume 8, No. 2, November 2003

Occident & Orient Volume 8, No. 2, November 2003 online


Tell Johfiyeh: An Iron Age Farmstead in north Jordan. Report on the second field season.
By: Roland Lamprichs, German Protestant Institute of Archaeology, Amman (Jordan) 

A Rolling Door Structure at Umm al-Rasas (Mayfa’a).
By: Ghazi Bisheh and Sabal Zaben (Jordan) 

Pella in Jordan 2003: Continued Excavation in the Bronze Age Temple Precinct.
By: Stephen J. Bourke, University of Sydney (Australia) 

Historical and Archaeological Study of the Ajlun Area Under the Ayyubids and the Mamluks.
By: Neil D. Mackenzie, ACOR-Fellow (U.S.A.) 

Late Acheulian Butchering Stations at Pleistocene Lakeshore Settings in Jordan.
By: Gary O. Rollefson, Leslie A. Quintero, and Philip J. Wilke, Lithic Analysis Laboratory, University of California-Riverside (USA) 

Safeguard the Dead Sea, a natural system and religious site.
By: Elias Salameh, University of Jordan (Jordan) 

Excavations at Tell el-Madash (Jordan Valley).
By: Mohammed Waheeb, Hashemite University, Zerka (Jordan)

Orient and Occident: Towards a Better Understanding – What can Archaeology Contribute? The Idea of a “John the Baptist Regional Park”.
By: Stefan Jakob Wimmer, University of Munich and Friends of Abraham Society (Gemany) 

A Summary of Moab, Moabite Place Names and Moabite Kings in Egyptian and Assyro-Babylonian Inscriptions.
By: Udo Worschech, Friedensau Adventist University (Germany) 

Short Report of the Excavations at Savi Höyük in 2000-2001.
By: Reinhard Dittmann, University of Münster (Germany) 

The Pottery of Hujeirat al-Ghuzlan 1998 to 2003 – A First Impression.
By: Susanne Kerner, German Archaeological Institut, Berlin (Germany)

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