Volume 9, No. 1&2

Volume 9, No. 1&2, 2004

Occident & Orient Volume 9, No. 1 & 2, 2004 online


Jutta Häser – The new director of the German Protestant Institut in Amman.
By: Dieter Vieweger BAI, Wuppertal (Germany) 

Syrian-French-German Co-Operation in Training for the Preservation of the Cultural Heritage. New Missions in the National Museum of Damaskus and in South Syria.
By: Felicia Meynersen, German Archaeological Institute, Orient Section, Damascus

Ras Batahi: A caravan stop halfway between Petra and Sabra.
By: Ulrich Hübner, University of Kiel (Germany) 

Isis in the East. The Veneration of the Egyptian Deities in the Middle East during the Graeco-Roman Period.
By: Veit Vaelske 

Archaeological Reconnaisance at Izki and the Jebel Akhdar. Transformation Processes of Oasis Settlements in Oman 2004 – third stage. A preliminary report.
By: Jürgen Schreiber, German Archeological Institut, Orient Department, Berlin. 

Excavations at the 4th millenium site of Tall Hujayrat at-Ghuzlan/Aqaba – New Results 2004.
By: Lutfi Khalil, Jordan University, Amman and Klaus Schmidt, DAI Orient-Department, Berlin. 

Tall Zera’a in the Wadi al-‘Arab, the 2003 and 2004 campaigns.
By: Dieter Vieweger, BAI, Wuppertal and Jutta Häser, DEI, Amman.

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